Almost Forgetting Dad’s Birthday

How is it that I turn 30 and my memory thinks I’m 60+?Today is my dad’s birthday, and as the considerate daughter I’ve always been…I didn’t realize that it was 8/1 until about 9:15pm. Luckily, we live in the day of cell phones and text messages. Thank you emojis and not worrying about waking my […]

How is it that I turn 30 and my memory thinks I’m 60+?
Today is my dad’s birthday, and as the considerate daughter I’ve always been…I didn’t realize that it was 8/1 until about 9:15pm. Luckily, we live in the day of cell phones and text messages. Thank you emojis and not worrying about waking my “old man” up to the landline ringing, in case he’s asleep. Text message sent. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dad!”

Now in my defense, I’ve never been good with dates. Terrible at buying birthday/anniversary cards, and even worse at remembering to mail them!
Dates aren’t the only thing I forget: appointments, meetings, to eat lunch, and sometimes important things that need to be done.
If it weren’t for Google Calendar, iCloud Reminders and the fact that I can send emails to myself, nothing would get completed on time.

Dominican Republic

So today, thanks goes to the connectivity that we can have wherever we go.

Now to vacation again in the Dominican without wifi or a local cellular connection…

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